Three Ways Feldenkrais Can Give You Balance

balance1. Learn to use more than your eyes.

People tend to rely heavily on their eyes to keep them oriented in space – that’s why so many people have a hard time balancing with eyes closed. But there is also balance information from your sense of pressure, your vestibular system, and even the way you listen to sounds. Feldenkrais lessons can take advantage of all of these resources.  A new 5-week series on Improving Balance begins July 1 in Valley Center, and in Encinitas, at the Community Center, in October. 

2. Balance your moods by shifting your state. 

During every Feldenkrais lesson, your movement, sensation, thinking and emotions are subtly influenced by the way you choose to move. As you become more attuned to yourself, you can manage yourself – and your emotions – more easily. 

3. Get to know your comfortable limit. 

We are constantly encouraged to push to the limit, no matter what, as in “no pain, no gain!” But when you practice pushing to a limit that is painful, you are often practicing being in pain. In Feldenkrais lessons, you’ll be encouraged to make fine distinctions between what is possible but painful, and what is possible with a sense of ease and pleasure. Being able to moderate and manage yourself brings a wonderful balance to life!

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