The Get Your Back Back Workshop was offered in June 2016 in Encinitas. There are three short movement sequences (two are done standing, one on the belly), one 30-minute guided…
Get Your Back Back Workshop
Classic Coordination of Hips and Shoulders
What is the classic coordination of hips and shoulders? And what does it have to do with back pain and function? Do you have an idea or an image of…
What is the classic coordination of hips and shoulders? And what does it have to do with back pain and function? Do you have an idea or an image of…
Diagonal Extension of Arms and Legs
When your shoulder hurts, do you feel your right hand more connected to your right foot or your left foot? Maybe you’ve never considered this question, or it even sounds…
When your shoulder hurts, do you feel your right hand more connected to your right foot or your left foot? Maybe you’ve never considered this question, or it even sounds…
Hips and Pelvis
This deceptively easy lesson leads you through simple movements that increase the flexibility of your ribs, back, and pelvis. You’ll begin on your back and explore movements to learn more…
This deceptively easy lesson leads you through simple movements that increase the flexibility of your ribs, back, and pelvis. You’ll begin on your back and explore movements to learn more…
Lengthening Hamstrings Without Stretching
Using these movements will help you to begin lengthening your hamstrings without stretching, if you take your time and work patiently. Since these are not stretches, please check yourself before…
Using these movements will help you to begin lengthening your hamstrings without stretching, if you take your time and work patiently. Since these are not stretches, please check yourself before…