Awareness Through Movement – 50 Minute Lessons

Discomfort in the shoulders and neck is so common. If you are bothered by stiffness or aching anywhere in your shoulder girdle, doing even the first 5 – 10 minutes of…

Simple movements build to influence the function of your ribs, spine, and neck. This is a cozy lesson that is excellent for full-body awareness and improvement. Recorded June 3, 2016.

Awareness While Bending the Leg begins with a standing scan, but most of the lesson is done lying on the floor. This lesson is extremely subtle and it always surprises me…

Your mouth, palate, teeth – areas that are so often used and so seldom attended to, unless there is discomfort. And, as with every part of ourselves, there can be…

This lesson gives you an opportunity to enjoy rolling side to side, finding ways to be more precise, more round, and more comfortable. Take your time and stop the audio…

Can you imagine your torso as having four corners? This image can be helpful in exploring the relationships between your shoulders and hips. This lesson will guide you through easy…

When your shoulder hurts, do you feel your right hand more connected to your right foot or your left foot? Maybe you’ve never considered this question, or it even sounds…

How is your hand connected the rest of you? This lesson explores that question, among others. Take your time and rest whenever you feel like it during this lesson. For…

This subtle lesson explores connections between movements of the head and jaw, and relates them to the pelvis. You can learn a lot about how you use your neck, shoulders…