Awareness Through Movement – 50 Minute Lessons

While there are no big movements in this lesson, if you follow it to its logical conclusion, it will yield big benefits. As usual, the title doesn’t begin to convey the…

This deceptively simple lesson accesses better movement in the back, shoulders, head, and especially the hips. I’ve taught versions of this lesson in a chair and standing, but lying on…

Taught in class on October 15, 2014, this lesson was specially requested. Quite a few of the people I work with often are huge fans of the various eye lessons…

Recorded in class on October 11, 2014, this is a challenging lesson that produced a variety of benefits. The position can feel awkward, so take your time and do whatever…

This deceptively easy lesson leads you through simple movements that increase the flexibility of your ribs, back, and pelvis. You’ll begin on your back and explore movements to learn more…

Using these movements will help you to begin lengthening your hamstrings without stretching, if you take your time and work patiently. Since these are not stretches, please check yourself before…

Bending sideways on the back may feel unusual, so take it slow. Gentle movements can make your back and ribs more flexible, resulting in less pain, better posture, and enhanced…

Differentiations in breathing challenge the patterns of our breath and the movements of our breathing. You can improve the ease and volume of your breath, and find a new organization…

As long as you explore slowly and lightly, you’ll find a new sense of length and comfort for your back after spending time with this lesson. It begins on the back…